Peter Tosh Peter Tosh - Black Dignity

lagidamawi rasfetari
medhani alem
Igziabhier amlak
qedamawi tekoro
medhani alem
negus nagast
izi Itiopia
Lift up thine head, O ye Black Dignity
And be ye lifted up, ye ever-loving Black Dignity
And let the King of kings enter thine heart

For in a little while, and the wicked shall not be
They shall be cut off like the grass
And wither like the green herb
So trust in the LORD and do good
And wait patiently for him
And verily thou shalt prevail. Selah

I branches shall not wither
And whatsoever I do shall prosper
I shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers
That bringeth forth fruit in season. Selah
So lift up thine head, O ye Black People
And be ye lifted up, ye ever-loving Black People
And the King of Kings shall come in. Selah
Wake up thine slumbering mentality
Come closer to reality
Recognise thy dignity, thy integrity, thy quality
Fret not because of one who prospereth in his way
For in a little while
The evil-doers shall be killed, crum(?), paralysed
Love him and live!
Hate him and die!

Lift up thine head, ye ever-loving Black People
And be ye lifted up, ye ever-living Black People
And the LORD God shall come into thine heart
Seek him and ye shall find him
'Cause he can be found
Wake up thine slumbering mentality
And live up to reality

Live Black, love Black, think Black
Our God is Black

qedamawi ras fetari
medhani alem
Igziabhier amlak
tokoro chilola
neguse nagast